Funding: The National Institute of Aging Impaired balance control may arise from neurological problems such as loss of inner ear (vestibular) function. Deficits in one sensory system can also affect how intact sensory systems contribute to postural control. For...
Funding: National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Science Foundation Description: Standing upright on two legs is a complicated control problem for the nervous system. Humans never stand perfectly still and small muscular corrections are...
Thompson E., Agada P., Wright W.G. & Jeka J. (2016, February). Encouraging larger movements outside of physical therapy: pilot research with a new vibratory-feedback device to retrain gait in people with Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at the Combined...
Description. Parkinson’s disease (PD) leads to progressive movement problems that affect safety and independence, including slow walking and movement, short shuffling steps, tremor, rigidity, and balance loss. These problems may be exacerbated by sensory or...