The Influence of Light Touch Contact on Human Postural Control

Funding. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Science Foundation Description. Imagine situations in which you cannot see very well, such as when you enter a darkened room or get up from bed at night to get a drink of water. In these...

Decomposing the Control Loop for Upright Balance

Funding. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Human upright bipedal stance is deceivingly complex. What appears to be a relatively simple behavior in healthy individuals is the function of a complex adaptive feedback control system that remains...

Multisensory Balance Training

Funding. The Erickson Foundation Description. Falls are known to be a major source of injury and accidental death in the elderly. Of the population over 65 years of age, one-third to one-half experience falls annually; of these, half do so repeatedly. Falls are the...

Genetic Basis for Vestibular Dysfunction

Funding: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders Description. In collaboration with Dr. Steve Roth, we studied individuals who have lost vestibular function due to gentamicin therapy to determine whether there is an underlying genetic basis for such loss. The...