Reimann H , Fettrow T, Thompson E, Agada P, Jeka J (2016) Two mechanisms maintain upright balance during walking. Submitted to Journal of Neuroscience.
Hwang S, Agada P, Kiemel T, Jeka J (in press) Identification of the human postural control system. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
Chen L-C, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (in press) Development of adaptive sensorimotor control in infant sitting. Gait and Posture.
Hwang SJ, Agada P, Grill S, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2015) A central processing sensory deficit with Parkinson’s Disease. Submitted to Brain Research.
Hwang, SJ, Ma L, Kawata K, Tierney R, Jeka JJ (in press) Vestibular dysfunction following subconcussive head impact. Journal of Neurotrauma.
Barela A, deFreitas PB, Jeka J, Caporicci S, Barela J (2015) Degradation and enhancement of peripheral somatosensory information in postural control of older adults. Submitted to Exp Brain Res.
Anson E, Jeka JJ (in press) Perspectives on aging vestibular function. In Agarwal Y (Ed.), Perspectives on aging and the vestibular system: Frontiers in Neurology Research Topics.
Kawata K, Tierney R, Phillips J, Jeka J (in press) Effect of repetitive sub-concussive impacts from soccer heading on ocular near point of convergence. International Journal of Sports Medicine.
Panus PC, Anson E, Odle BL, Jeka J, Zheng SJ (2014) A novel quantitative drug index predicts balance deficits in older adults. Submitted to Physiotherapy.
Anson E, O-phartkaruna T, Ma L, Dean L, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2014) Handrail use during treadmill walking diminishes balance improvements from visual feedback, a preliminary report. Submitted to Gait and Posture.
Anson E, Jeka JJ (2014) Virtual reality balance training in rehabilitation. In Weiss PL, Keshner EA, Levin M (Eds), Virtual reality for physical and motor rehabilitation. Springer: New York.
Logan DL, Ivanenko Y , Kiemel T, Cappellini G, Labini FS, Lacquaniti F, Jeka JJ (2014) Function dictates the phase dependence of vision during human locomotion. Journal of NeuroPhysiology, 112: 165-180.
Anson E, Agada P, Kiemel T, Ivanenko Y, Lacquaniti F, Jeka J (2014) Visual control of trunk translation and orientation during locomotion. Experimental Brain Research, 232(6): 1941-51.
Barela J, Weigelt M, Polastri P, Godoi D, Aquir S, Jeka JJ (2014) Explicit and implicit knowledge of environment states induce adaptation in postural control. Neuroscience Letters:566, 6-10.
Hwang SJ, Agada P, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2014) Dynamic reweighting of three modalities for sensor fusion. Plos One: 9(1), e88132.
Logan DL, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2014). Asymmetric sensory reweighting in human upright stance. Plos One, 9(6), e100418.
Anson E, Rosenberg R, Agada P, Kiemel T, Jeka J (2013) Does visual feedback during walking result in similar improvements in trunk control for young and older healthy adults? Journal NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 10:110. doi:10.1186/1743-0003-10-110.
Scholz JP, Park E, Jeka JJ, Schöner G, Kiemel T (2012) How visual information links to multijoint coordination during quiet standing. Experimental Brain Research, 222(3), 229-239.
Polastri P, Barela J, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2012) Dynamics of intermodality reweighting in human postural control. Experimental Brain Research, 223(1), 99-108.
Bair WN, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2012) Development of multisensory reweighting is impaired for quiet stance control in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. PloS One, 7(7), e40932.
Klein T, Jeka J, Kiemel T, Lewis A (2012) Navigating sensory conflict in dynamic environments using adaptive state estimation. Biological Cybernetics, 105:291-304.
Kiemel T, Zhang YF, Jeka JJ (2011) Identification of neural feedback for upright stance in humans: stabilization rather than sway minimization. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(42): 15144- 15153.
Bair WN, Barela JA, Whitall J, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2011) Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder benefit from using vision in combination with touch information for quiet standing. Gait and Posture, 34(2): 183-190.
Kiemel T, Zhang YF, Jeka JJ (2011) Visual flow is interpreted relative to multisegment postural control Journal of Motor Behavior, 43(3): 237-246.
Klein T, Kiemel T, Jeka J, Lewis A (2011) Postural control in a bipedal robot using sensory reweighting. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, 2053-2058
Logan DL, Kiemel T, Dominici N, Cappellini G, Ivanenko Y, Lacquaniti F, Jeka JJ (2010) The many roles of vision during walking. Experimental Brain Research: 206(3), 337-50.
Jeka JJ, Allison L, Kiemel T (2010) The dynamics of visual reweighting in healthy and fall-prone older adults. Journal of Motor Behavior, 42(4), 197-208.
Anson E, Jeka JJ (2009) Sensory Reweighting: A rehabilitative mechanism? In C. Armstrong (Ed.) Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology. Springer-Verlag:Berlin.
Carver S, Kiemel T, Cowan N, Jeka JJ (2009) Optimal motor control may mask sensory dynamics. Biological Cybernetics, 101: 35-42.
Kiemel T, Elahi A, Jeka J (2008) Identification of the plant for upright stance in humans: multiple movement patterns from a single neural strategy. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100(6), 3394- 3406.
Jeka JJ, Oie K, Kiemel T (2008) Adaptive asymmetry with functional advantage in human sensorimotor control. Experimental Brain Research, 191(4), 453-463.
Roth SM, Williams SM, Jiang L, Menon KS, Jeka JJ (2008) Susceptibility genes for gentamicininduced vestibular dysfunction. Journal of Vestibular Research, 18(1), 59-68.
Creath R, Kiemel T, Horak F, Jeka JJ (2008) The role of vestibular and somatosensory systems in intersegmental control of upright stance. Journal of Vestibular Research, 18(1), 39-49.
Jeka JJ, Kiemel T (2008) Modeling of human postural control. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Springer-Verlag.
Chen LC, Metcalfe JS, Chang TY, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2008) The development of infant upright posture: sway less or sway differently? Experimental Brain Research,186(2) :293-303.
Saffer M, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2008) Spectral analysis of muscle activity during quiet stance. Experimental Brain Research, 185(2): 215-26.
Chen L-C, Metcalfe JS, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2007). The emergence of independent walking affects infants’ sitting posture. Infant Behavior and Development, 30(1), 16-25.
Bair WN, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2007). Development of sensory reweighting for posture control in children. Experimental Brain Research, 183: 435-446.
Hsu W-L, Scholz JP, Schöner G, Jeka JJ, Kiemel T (2007) Control and estimation of posture during quiet stance depends on multi-joint coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97(4): 3024-35.
Scholz JP, Schoner G, Hsu WL, Jeka JJ, Horak F, Martin V (2007) Motor equivalent control of the center of mass in response to support surface perturbations. Exp Brain Research, 180(1): 163-79
Chen L-C, Metcalfe JS, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2007) Two steps forward and one back: Learning to walk affects infants’ sitting posture. Infant Behavior and Development, 30(1): 16-25.
Zhang Y, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2007) The influence of sensory information on two-component coordination during quiet stance. Gait and Posture, 26, 263-271.
Jeka JJ (2006) Light touch contact: Not just for surfers. The Neuromorphic Engineer: Vol 3 (1), 5- 6.
Jeka JJ, Saffer M, Allison L, Zhang Y, Carver S, Kiemel T (2006) Sensory reweighting with translational visual stimuli in young and healthy elderly adults: The role of state dependent noise. Experimental Brain Research, 174, 517-527.
Allison L, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2006) Multisensory reweighting is intact in healthy and fall-prone older adults. Experimental Brain Research, 175(2), 342-352.
Carver S, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2006) Modeling the dynamics of sensory reweighting: Rates depend upon weights. Biological Cybernetics, 95(2), 123-134.
Kiemel T, Oie K, Jeka JJ (2006) The slow dynamics of postural sway are in the feedback loop. Journal of Neurophysiology, 95, 1410-1418.
Creath R, Kiemel T, Horak F, Peterka R, Jeka JJ (2005) A unified view of quiet and perturbed stance: Simultaneous co-existing ankle and hip strategies. Neuroscience Letters, 377(2), 75- 80.
Carver S, Kiemel T, van der Kooij H, Jeka JJ (2005) Comparing internal models of the dynamics of the visual environment. Biological Cybernetics, 92, 147-163.
Ravaioli E, Oie K, Kiemel T, Chiari L, Jeka JJ (2005) Nonlinear postural control in response to visual translation. Experimental Brain Research, 160(4), 450-459.
Metcalfe JS, McDowell K, Chang T-Y, Chen L-C, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2004). The development of somatosensory-motor integration: An event-related analysis of infant posture in the first year of independent walking. Developmental Psychobiology, 46(1),19-35.
Metcalfe JS, Chen L-C, Chang T-Y, McDowell K, Jeka JJ, Clark JE (2004). The temporal organization of posture changes during the first year of independent walking. Experimental Brain Research, 161(4), 405-416.
Jeka JJ, Kiemel T, Creath R, Horak FB, Peterka R (2004) Controlling human upright stance: Velocity information is more accurate than position or acceleration. Journal of Neurophysiology, 92, 2368-2379.
Jeka JJ, Kiemel T (2004) Noise associated with the process of fusing multisensory information. Coordination dynamics: Issues and trends, Jirsa VK, Kelso JAS (Eds),Berlin: Springer.
Allison L, Jeka JJ (2004) The role of multisensory integration in balance disorders. In Calvert G, Spence C, Stein BE (Eds.), Handbook of Multisensory Processes. Boston: MIT press.
Barela J, Jeka JJ, Clark J (2003) Postural control in children. Coupling to dynamic somatosensory information. Experimental Brain Research: 150(4), 434-442
Oie K, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2002) Multisensory fusion: Simultaneous re-weighting of vision and touch for the control of human posture. Cognitive Brain Research, 14, 164-176.
Creath R, Kiemel T, Horak FB, Jeka JJ (2002). Limited control strategies with the loss of vestibular function. Experimental Brain Research, 145(3), 323-333.
Horak FB, Buchanan J, Creath R, Jeka JJ (2002). Vestibulospinal control of posture. Adv. Exp Med Biol., 508, 139-145.
McDowell K, Jeka JJ, Schöner GS, Hatfield BD (2002). Behavioral and electrocortical evidence of an interaction between probability and task metrics in movement planning. Experimental Brain Research 144(3), 303-313.
Kiemel T, Oie KS, Jeka JJ (2002) Multisensory fusion and the stochastic structure of postural sway. Biological Cybernetics:87, 262-277.
Oie K, Jeka JJ, Kiemel T (2001). Human multisensory fusion: Detecting nonlinearity with small changes in the sensory environment. Neuroscience Letters, 315(3): 113-116.
Oie K, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2001) Multisensory re-weighting in response to small amplitude environmental motion. In J Duysens, BCM Smits-Engelsman, H Kingma (Eds), Control of Posture and Gait, (pp 302-306).
Kiemel T, Oie K, Jeka JJ (2001) Control theory and the stochastic structure of postural sway. In J Duysens, BCM Smits-Engelsman, H Kingma (Eds), Control of Posture and Gait, (pp 867-870).
Allison L, Kiemel T, Jeka JJ (2001) Does multi-sensory training improve balance in fall-prone older adults?. In J Duysens, BCM Smits-Engelsman, H Kingma (Eds), Control of Posture and Gait, (pp 64-69).
Oie K, Jeka JJ (2001) Input-driven behavior: One extreme of the multisensory perceptual continuum. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(2), 232.
Jeka JJ, Oie K, Kiemel T (2000) Multisensory information for human postural control: Integrating touch and vision. Experimental Brain Research, 134: 107-125.
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